Critical Human Security and Post-Covid Public Policy[1] Blog Series Intro
Editors: Patricia Kennett and Huck-ju Kwon
The recent global pandemic posed multiple threats to individuals and societies and its impacts highlighted the intersectionality of these threats, their uneven impact and the longer-term scarring effects and policy challenges post-COVID-19. This series of blogs draws on research carried out during a recently completed UKRI funded knowledge exchange project[1] led by Professor Patricia Kennett in the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK and Professor Huck-ju Kwon, Seoul National University, South Korea– Critical Human Security and Post-COVID Policy Challenge. Through a range of research and knowledge exchange activities and with a regional focus on East Asia and Europe, in particular South Korea and the UK, the team sought to identify and address the complex and multisectoral social and public policy challenges in the aftermath of the pandemic and identify weaknesses and fault-lines in social, economic and political institutions, policies and processes highlighted and intensified since 2020. (more…)